Consulting Services
Technical Writing / Editing
You've identified the site architecture, created your data models, and integrated your client's branding. But did anyone write clear directions or error messages for your application?
Have Applied Interfaces examine your application's content to ensure that your application presents a consistent, professional and helpful tone.
Requirements Participation
Do your find that your clients always say one thing and you find out nine months into development that they meant something else entirely?
Many clients simply assume that you "get" what they want. Then they wait until the project is in beta to tell you that it wasn't what they wanted at all.
Sometimes this is because a client feels overwhelmed and isolated during the requirements gathering process. At Applied Interfaces, we specialize in listening to clients, so have a professional who understands the web development process *and* client-speak eliminate miscommunication road blocks. We can either sit in during parts of requirements gathering, or have a "pre-requirements interview", where we work with them in a more intimate and less intimidating manner.
Wireframe / User Experience Development
You have requirements and use cases from here to eternity, but are you having a hard time translating them into a web site that works effectively for your client and their customers?
Have a professional look at your requirements and develop the user experience for your web site. We can develop written wireframe documents or a wireframe web site; the latter is great tool for clients who need an actual hands-on product to play with.
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